Solar Repair Maintenance, taking care of your solar panels system so you don’t have to!
Expert Care for Your Solar Panel System
Our solar panel maintenance services guarantee that your solar energy system operates well and efficiently without any problems. We offer services from inspections, cleaning, and repairs to protect your solar panel investment and maximize energy production. Our licensed technicians will handle All solar panel issues to identify and resolve any issues, providing you with peace of mind and optimal performance. You can trust us to keep your solar panels in top condition for years to come!
Did you know?
More than 100 solar companies closed over the past years, including big ones like:
- SunPower
- ADT Solar
- Suntuity Solar
- Titan Solar Power
- Pink Energy
Which means a lot of solar panel systems are left unmaintained.
Solar Panel Maintenance Plan Price
Monthly Monitoring:The Company will monitor the system remotely on a monthly basis to ensure proper functioning and detect potential issues.
Discounted Hourly Labor Rate:Should additional work be required, the Customer will be billed at a discounted hourly labor rate of $80 per hour (regular rate: $300 per hour).
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Monthly Monitoring:The Company will monitor the system remotely on a monthly basis to ensure proper functioning and detect potential issues.
Discounted Hourly Labor Rate:Should additional work be required, the Customer will be billed at a discounted hourly labor rate of $100 per hour (regular rate: $300 per hour).
Get Started
$20.99/month or $251.88/year
Monthly Monitoring:The Company will monitor the system remotely on a monthly basis to ensure proper functioning and detect potential issues.
Discounted Hourly Labor Rate:Should additional work be required, the Customer will be billed at a discounted hourly labor rate of $80 per hour (regular rate: $300 per hour).
Get Started
$41.99/month or $503.88/year
Monthly Monitoring:The Company will monitor the system remotely on a monthly basis to ensure proper functioning and detect potential issues.
Discounted Hourly Labor Rate:Should additional work be required, the Customer will be billed at a discounted hourly labor rate of $100 per hour (regular rate: $300 per hour).
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Partnered with
Loose Electrical Connections
Broken or Cracked Panels
Monitoring System Issues
Inverter Malfunctions
Junction Box Failures
Solar Panel Cleaning
Critter Guard, protecting your solar panels
That is why we always suggest having a solar critter guard to protect your solar panels. In this way, no critters can nest under solar panels and chew the wires or damage your roof.
Critters, like squirrels, will find a perfect place to nest under your solar panels. Solar panels can provide shade and warmth to the critters. However, catering critters under your solar panels can harm the animals and your solar panels. Critters will often chew wires of the solar panels, can electrocute them, and cause fire hazards in your home.
Solar Repair Maintenance FAQs
Yes. However, you will be paying the regular hourly price of $300.
No. We don’t offer discount on the materials.
Yes. However, if you try to cancel after the free site visit we will have to bill you for the whole year.
You can send us an email at info@solarcaresolution.com.